i got my dream phone few days ago!!! haha... my sony ericsson C902!!! its red and its cool... im loving this phone!! i can take lots of good quality pics now with my new phone... i cant stop taking pics with it... hehe...
today i went to the curve with my friends... and of course i cant miss taking photos... lol...
we had cotton candy as appetizer... lol.. its nice for the first few bites... but its getting really sweet after that...
i also saw this as we do shopping...we went to a shop named shepherd grace... its sells soft toys... at first i was only looking at teddy bears... and later i spotted it at the corner... its sssooooooo cute.... panda with a panda shirt on... hahaha... im gonna bring it home one day... lol...
ok.. last pic of the day... recent photo of me... in case anyone forgot how i look now... hahaha... jk jk...